Job 1

A Man Devoted to God 1-3 Job was a man who lived in Uz. He was honest inside and out, a man of his word, who was totally devoted to God and hated evil with a passion. He had seven sons and three daughters. He was also very wealthy—seven thousand head of sheep, three thousand […]

Job 2

The Second Test: Health 1-3 One day when the angels came to report toGod, Satan also showed up.Godsingled out Satan, saying, “And what have you been up to?” Satan answeredGod, “Oh, going here and there, checking things out.” ThenGodsaid to Satan, “Have you noticed my friend Job? There’s no one quite like him, is there—honest […]

Job 3

What’s the Point of Life? 1-2 Then Job broke the silence. He spoke up and cursed his fate: 3-10 “Obliterate the day I was born. Blank out the night I was conceived! Let it be a black hole in space. May God above forget it ever happened. Erase it from the books! May the day […]

Job 4

Now You’re the One in Trouble 1-6 Then Eliphaz from Teman spoke up: “Would you mind if I said something to you? Under the circumstances it’s hard to keep quiet. You yourself have done this plenty of times, spoken words that clarify, encouraged those who were about to quit. Your words have put stumbling people […]

Job 5

Don’t Blame Fate When Things Go Wrong 1-7 “Call for help, Job, if you think anyone will answer! To which of the holy angels will you turn? The hot temper of a fool eventually kills him, the jealous anger of a simpleton does her in. I’ve seen it myself—seen fools putting down roots, and then, […]

Job 6

God Has Dumped the Works on Me 1-7 Job answered: “If my misery could be weighed, if you could pile the whole bitter load on the scales, It would be heavier than all the sand of the sea! Is it any wonder that I’m screaming like a caged cat? The arrows of God Almighty are […]

Job 7

There’s Nothing to My Life 1-6 “Human life is a struggle, isn’t it? It’s a life sentence to hard labor. Like field hands longing for quitting time and working stiffs with nothing to hope for but payday, I’m given a life that meanders and goes nowhere— months of aimlessness, nights of misery! I go to […]

Job 8

Does God Mess Up? 1-7 Bildad from Shuhah was next to speak: “How can you keep on talking like this? You’re talking nonsense, and noisy nonsense at that. Does God mess up? Does God Almighty ever get things backward? It’s plain that your children sinned against him— otherwise, why would God have punished them? Here’s […]

Job 9

How Can Mere Mortals Get Right with God? 1-13 Job continued by saying: “So what’s new? I know all this. The question is, ‘How can mere mortals get right with God?’ If we wanted to bring our case before him, what chance would we have? Not one in a thousand! God’s wisdom is so deep, […]

Job 10

To Find Some Skeleton in My Closet 1 “I can’t stand my life—I hate it! I’m putting it all out on the table, all the bitterness of my life—I’m holding back nothing.” 2-7 Job prayed: “Here’s what I want to say: Don’t, God, bring in a verdict of guilty without letting me know the charges […]