Numbers 1

Census in the Wilderness of Sinai 1-5 Godspoke to Moses in the Wilderness of Sinai at the Tent of Meeting on the first day of the second month in the second year after they had left Egypt. He said, “Number the congregation of the People of Israel by clans and families, writing down the names […]

Numbers 2

Marching Orders 1-2 Godspoke to Moses and Aaron. He said, “The People of Israel are to set up camp circling the Tent of Meeting and facing it. Each company is to camp under its distinctive tribal flag.” 3-4 To the east toward the sunrise are the companies of the camp of Judah under its flag, […]

Numbers 3

The Levites 1 This is the family tree of Aaron and Moses at the timeGodspoke with Moses on Mount Sinai. 2-4 The names of the sons of Aaron: Nadab the firstborn, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar—anointed priests ordained to serve as priests. But Nadab and Abihu fell dead in the presence ofGodwhen they offered unauthorized sacrifice […]

Numbers 4

Duties of the Kohathites 1-3 Godspoke to Moses and Aaron. He said, “Number the Kohathite line of Levites by clan and family. Count all the men from thirty to fifty years of age, all who enter the ministry to work in the Tent of Meeting. 4 “This is the assigned work of the Kohathites in […]

Numbers 5

Some Camp Rules 1-3 Godspoke to Moses: “Command the People of Israel to ban from the camp anyone who has an infectious skin disease, anyone who has a discharge, and anyone who is ritually unclean from contact with a dead body. Ban male and female alike; send them outside the camp so that they won’t […]

Numbers 6

Nazirite Vows 1-4 Godspoke to Moses: “Speak to the People of Israel; tell them, If any of you, man or woman, wants to make a special Nazirite vow, consecrating yourself totally toGod, you must not drink any wine or beer, no intoxicating drink of any kind, not even the juice of grapes—in fact, you must […]

Numbers 7

Offerings for the Dedication 1 When Moses finished setting up The Dwelling, he anointed it and consecrated it along with all that went with it. At the same time he anointed and consecrated the Altar and its accessories. 2-3 The leaders of Israel, the heads of the ancestral tribes who had carried out the census, […]

Numbers 8

The Lights 1-2 Godspoke to Moses: “Tell Aaron, Install the seven lamps so they will throw light in front of the Lampstand.” 3-4 Aaron did just that. He installed the lamps so they threw light in front of the Lampstand, asGodhad instructed Moses. The Lampstand was made of hammered gold from its stem to its […]

Numbers 9

Passover 1-3 Godspoke to Moses in the Wilderness of Sinai in the first month of the second year after leaving Egypt: “Have the People of Israel celebrate Passover at the set time. Celebrate it on schedule, on the evening of the fourteenth day of this month, following all the rules and procedures.” 4-5 Moses told […]

Numbers 10

The Two Bugles 1-3 Godspoke to Moses: “Make two bugles of hammered silver. Use them to call the congregation together and give marching orders to the camps. When you blow them, the whole community will meet you at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting. 4-7 “When a bugle gives a single, short blast, that’s […]